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Modeling of Risks and Adaptation
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Modeling of Risks and Adaptation
Asset Level Modelling of RISKs in the Face of Climate Induced Extreme Events and ADAPtation

RISKADAPT will provide, in close cooperation with the end-users/other stakeholders, a novel, integrated, modular, interoperable, public and free, customizable user-friendly platform (PRISKADAPT), to support systemic, risk-informed decisions regarding adaptation to Climate Change induced compound events at the asset level, focusing on the structural system. PRISKADAPT will explicitly model dependencies between infrastructures, which, inter alia, will provide a better understanding of the nexus between climate hazards and social vulnerabilities and resilience. Moreover, this project will identify gaps in data and propose ways to overcome them and advance the state of the art of asset level modelling through advanced climate science to predict Climate Change forcing on the structure of interest, structural analyses, customized to the specific structure of interest, that consider all major Climate Change induced load 

effects in tandem with  deterioration, novel probabilistic environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC) of structural adaptation measures and a new model to assess climate risk that will combine technical risk assessment with assessment of social risks.
PRISKADAPT will provide values to a set of indicators for each asset of interest, quantifying primary parameters and impacts, in the form of a Model Information System (MIS) that will provide all required information for adaptation decisions. PRISKADAPT will be implemented in the case studies in the pilots that involve specific assets, however, it will permit customization with local values of parameters and data, so it can be applicable throughout Europe for Climate Change adaptation decisions involving assets of similar function, exposed to multiple climate hazards.


      Our Goals

Provide climate data sets, combined with modelling and in-situ data at the spatial and temporal scales of interest, for applications involving structural adaptation decisions.

Assess the time-dependent loss of structural capacity and extent of damage of assets exposed to CC induced extreme events and environmental changes affecting the properties of structural materials.

Identify low environmental impact and cost construction options and assess their performance based on their emissions/provided structural resistance/cost. Duration of construction works/Capacity recovery pace.

Establish processes for the involvement of end-users/communities/’influencers’, in co-design, co-development and participatory decisions on CC adaptation. ‘Influencers’ include all these who affect the situation in the particular location or the (planned) interventions and changes or have a direct or indirect impact on the individuals’/community’s interests (property, conditions and restriction of use, etc.).

Analyse social consequences and non-engineering adaptation measures. Develop a unifying modular, holistic, platform (PRISKADAPT) that integrates the above with loss of structural capacity and engineering consequences and adaptation measures in the form of a tool for risk-informed climate adaptation decisions.

Develop a Model Information System (MIS) comprising indicators that will provide all the needed information to enable comparison between different adaptation solutions.

Evaluate the project results in climate-vulnerable regions in Greece, Finland, Italy and Hong Kong.

Evaluate TPRISKADAPT through an invitation to engineers/scientists, including risk assessors, to use TPRISKADAPT with some of their own Modules. To promote use of MIS though an invitation to associations/councils of cities/regions to receive training on it, so they can promote its use to their members.

         Project Partners


Are you interested in climate change eventsclimate resilience and the need for a better understanding of climate change related risks? Join the RISKADAPT Community and become part of a growing network dedicated to developing innovative solutions for critical infrastructures impacted by climate change.

Register today to become a RISKADAPT community member and help us to build a tool that empowers communities, asset ownersand engineers to adapt and recover before and after climate events. 

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