Consortium Partners


RISA Sicherheitsanalysen GmbH 

RISA Sicherheitsanalysen GmbH (RISA) – an SME- is a leading vendor of large IT platform solutions. It has been founded in 1990 from a research group at the Technical University of Berlin. Since then the initial field of activities has expanded from probabilistic safety, risk and reliability analysis, mainly for nuclear energy plants,  to complex information system applications and platforms for decision analysis/support, optimisation and data analysis, including Big Data and IoT, for various other industries and engineering offices (including the railway, automotive and aviation transportation industries), as well as government agencies (including the German Ministry of the Environment).

RISA offers its clients full service including complete system analysis with the necessary software, special software adaptation, mathematical and statistical methods development and supply and installation of the accompanying hardware and software.

RISA’s management expects a strong need for platforms for situation awareness and decision support on structural maintenance and strengthening of the ageing structures in construction. Accordingly, the company has been a partner in various EC funded projects on probabilistic structural reliability and/or tools and interoperable platforms for situation awareness and decision support on structural maintenance, strengthening and repair of various civil engineering structures. Among other fields, the company has been active in various commercial and research projects dealing with big data analytics, as well as had acted as the system integrator in several EC funded projects. Moreover, RISA has been the coordinator of Eco-Bot, a EU funded project aiming to engage customers towards more energy efficiency behavior through the implementation of a chatbot that exploits multi-factorial behavioral modelling and provides personalized energy efficiency advice.

Role in the project

Risa is the project coordinator in RISKADAPT (coordinator in ENVIROMED (Horizon Health 2021), ECO-BOT (H2020), LEAKING (FR7) and national research projects), designs the high-level architecture and oversees TPRISKADAPT and the integration of PRISKADAPT. Risa specializes in probabilistic safety and integrated platform solutions. These solutions cover decision support, optimization, and data analysis, including applications in Big Data and IoT. The overarching vision includes RISKADAPT’s expansion into the Earth Observation market, acquiring an adaptable platform for diverse sectors, developing as a valued contributor to national/European projects, advancing data management and decision support software, and enhancing RISA’s capabilities in the construction adaptation market. Serving as system integrator, RISA provides technical and risk management, leads in specifications/architecture, performs deterministic to probabilistic structural analyses in pilot 3, and oversees TPRISKADAPT and the integration of PRISKADAPT.

Contact person:

Stephanos Camarinopoulos



Ilmatieteen laitos FMI (Finnish Meteorological Institute) 

Ilmatieteen laitos (FMI) is a research and service agency for public safety relating to atmospheric, marine and airborne hazards and for satisfying requirements for specialised meteorological products. FMI produces high-quality observational data and research knowledge about the atmosphere and marine, combining its know-how into weather, climate, air-quality and security related services to the benefit of the society and environment. FMI runs its own super-computing environment and collaborates closely with national, Nordic, and European super-computing centers and operational services such as ECWMF, C3S, EUMETSAT and international organizations such as WMO. 

Role in the project

FMI provides climate data for project’s partners for climate change forcing and multi-hazard modelling, conducts statistical extreme value analysis on relevant climate variables, and takes part in pilot 2 for energy transmission grids’ vulnerability to wind-icing hazard and corona discharge loss in the Nordic region. 

Contact person:

Marko Laine 



 Utrecht University


Established in 1636, Utrecht University (UU) has a long history and is rich in tradition.

With 7 faculties, more than 8,500 staff members, 700 professors, over 39,000 students, 59 Bachelor programmes, 156 Master programmes, the mission of Utrecht University is working towards a better world.

We do this by researching complex issues beyond the borders of disciplines and sharing our knowledge and contribute together with others to the scientific process and to societal challenges. 

Role in the project

The Utrecht University School of Governance (USG) studies public issues and public organisations in their interaction with the developments in politics and society. The key question in this is how public organisations and private organisations with a public task deal with current social issues, how they shape their public responsibilities and deliver public value. Our academic research focuses on the key themes of accountability, professionalism, public service performance, organisational change, innovation and public leadership. We pay particular attention to public organisations such as the European Union, central and local governments, the police, the armed forces and the judiciary, and private organisations with a public task, such as hospitals, schools, housing corporations, sports organisations and cultural institutions. UU provides expertise in the field of social science, particularly related to participation, stakeholder involvement, communication, gender and ethics.

Contact person:

Madelinde Winnubst


University of Groningen

The University of Groningen (RUG) is a research university with a global outlook that is in the top 100 universities worldwide on several influential rankings. With an academic tradition dating back to 1614, the University is a unique academic community with a strong culture of innovative education and research. The Faculty of Spatial Sciences is an interdisciplinary faculty that undertakes cutting-edge research and achieves societal impact at the nexus of people, places and planning in rural and urban settings, especially at the local and regional scales in locally and internationally. There are four departments: Cultural Geography, Demography, Economic Geography, and Planning & Environment. The Faculty’s mission is to produce research that is world-leading, distinctive, and policy-relevant, especially in relation to the major issues faced by contemporary society. The distinctive character of the Faculty’s research is the exploration of the roles that place, space, identity and culture play in the social and spatial transformation of society.  

Role in the project

The RISKADAPT team from the Depts of Economic and Cultural Geography, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, specialises in regional and spatial economics, spatial microsimulation, social and spatial inequalities and happiness and well being.  

Contact person:

Prof Dimitris Ballas 


Federation of the European Precast Concrete Industry

The federation of the European Precast Concrete Industry (BIBM), a sector employing more than 150,000 workers and with a turnover of €35 billion. Members of BIBM are national associations from Europe and beyond. BIBM contributes to the development of the precast concrete Industry by acting at European and international levels. It provides the major platform for the sector in Europe, coordinating common development (technical and strategic) and promoting SME-friendly legislation and stable standards. Furthermore, BIBM endorses the importance of sustainability and its three pillars and maintains a network of professionals, experts, and industrialists to share their experiences and information for the progress of the industry.

Role in the project

BIBM will provide an industry view in the research project, with the support of its network of experts, aiming to achieve results that are market-relevant. Furtermore, BIBM will develop a database of low-carbon adaptation solutions with precast concrete elements for both buildings and infrastructure and will disseminate the project results among precast concrete manufacturers and other stakeholders at the European level, including policymakers, relevant standardisation committees, and other trade associations involved in the construction ecosystem.

Contact person:

Alessio Rimoldi, BIBM Secretary General


Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna (UNIBO), founded in 1088, is known as the oldest University in the western world. It is one of the largest universities in Italy, with over 90,000 students, 32 Departments, 12 Research and Training Centres, 6 Campuses, 243 Degree Programmes, 52 International degree programmes, and 96 PhD programmes. The University of Bologna has a Multicampus structure, ensuring the opportunity to learn and promoting stable research activities throughout the region, with the aim to improve the operations and quality of life for the university community. Thanks to its presence throughout the territory, the international outlook, the research, the programme catalogue, and the information services, Alma Mater focuses on innovation and excellence across the major fields of science, engineering, and humanities, with more than 900 funded research projects.

Role in the project

UNIBO hires experts in very high resolution numerical simulations as well as meteorologists and climatologists to provide reliable estimates of atmospheric stesses on buildings by incorporating information from the current climate change trend. His work is based on the case stuiodo of the Cattinara public hospital in Trieste, a strategic building for the local community and built in a location particularly exposed to weathering as well as to a local wind type characterized by strong gusts. With experience from past European projects (e.g. OPERANDUM, iScape) contributed to deliver policy recommendations and guidance.

Contact person:

Silvana Di Sabatino

Carlo Cintolesi


University of Stuttgart – Department of Lifecycle Engineering

The research field of the GaBi department of the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT) includes ecological, socio-economic as well as technical analysis and optimization from process to product. The sustainability studies connect the built and the natural environment with each other: From the provision of energy, the production of materials, the recovery and recycling of high-quality material flows to the mobility, construction and living of today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Research work covers a wide range of topics such as novel mobility concepts, renewable energy sources and energy storage, bio-based materials, functionally integrated materials and components, circular economy, resource efficiency and lightweight construction, land use and biodiversity.

Role in the project

Lifecycle Environmental and Cost analyses, according to the standard of Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) and Lifecycle cost (LCC). More specifically, it will develop a probabilistic approach for the assessment of environmental impacts and costs of adaptation options due to CC-induced events, based on low impact options’ catalogue, vulnerability assessment and future scenarios for climate data.

Contact person:

Roberta Di Bari, Research associate and Project Manager


Univerza v Ljubljani

University of Ljubljana (ULFGG) is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia. University with its rich tradition was founded in 1919. It has approximately 40,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and employs approximately 6,000 higher education teachers, 3,500 researchers, assistants and administrative staff in 23 faculties and three arts academies. In recent years, the UL has ranked in the upper three percent according to Times Higher Education World University Rankings and among the top 500 research universities in the world according to Shanghai ARWU. It is also high ranked according to international response (quotations in scientific publications). The UL is very active in international research and educational programmes and projects, especially in the EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020) where in terms of the number of research projects it ranks among the top universities and research organizations from the new EU Member States (EU 13). By participating in development projects financed with EU Structural Funds, the UL contributes significantly to the infrastructure development, structural change and economic development of Slovenia.

Role in the project

The ULFGG research team involved in the RISKADAPT project consists of experts in the field of hydrological and hydraulic modelling, flood hazard assessment, flood risk management, spatial information systems, etc. ULFGG is leading the hydrological and hydraulic analysis of extreme flood events, providing essential data on the hydrodynamic loads affecting the piers and abutments of the Pilot 1 bridge. The results of the analysis will serve as important input data for subsequent structural assessments of the Polyfytos Bridge.

Contact person:

Gašper Rak

Mateja Škerjanec


RINA Consulting S.p.A.

The RINA Consulting S.p.A. (RINA) Group is a global corporation that provides engineering and consultancy services, as well as testing, inspection and certification across the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure and Industry sectors through a global network of 170 offices in 65 countries. Through its 3.700 talented professionals, RINA provides a wide range of high quality tailored solutions aiming to back up the market operators across the entire life cycle of their projects. RINA will be mainly involved in the project through its operational company RINA Consulting S.p.A.. As the engineering consultancy division of the RINA Group, RINA Consulting S.p.A. provides a wide range of services covering the whole project life cycle from feasibility and specialized technical studies to conceptual and detailed design, prototyping and testing, project management, site engineering as well as operation and maintenance management. Working alongside Clients, as a trusted technical partner, RINA Consulting S.p.A. provides a wide range of traditional and innovative services to critical industry sectors, including oil & gas, power, renewables, space & defence, transport & infrastructure sectors.

Role in the project

RINA-C brings expertise in risk analysis, innovation management and standardization. RINA-C leads the standardization activities and the exploitation efforts at the consortium level, while provides customized risk analysis as a service to interested parties. Moreover, RINA-C will establish working groups with pilot users and potential new users that will continue working on and refining the results immediately after the project ends, aiming to transfer the RISKADAPT outcomes via tangible results in the market.

Contact person:

Clemente Fuggini


Tecnic Consulting Engineers

Tecnic Consulting Engineers (Tecnic) Tecnic is a 55-year-old, SME firm, operating in the sector of Civil Engineering with particular emphasis in the fields of Transport, Architecture, Environment, Geographic Information System and Research, both in Italy and abroad. Through a remarkable number of projects, Tecnic has developed specific experience in the management, design and supervision of construction works for both new and rehabilitation of existing infrastructures, including retrofitting of structures, and in LCC and LCA. Accordingly, the company has been a partner in various EC funded projects on probabilistic structural reliability and/or tools and interoperable platforms for situation awareness and decision support on structural maintenance, strengthening and repair of various civil engineering structures. 

Role in the project

The role of Tecnic in RISKADAPT is to participate in all work packages to the exception of the work package 3 with a total of 16 man-months. The company takes lead in task T4.2 for the deliverable 4.1 on material degradation and structural vulnerability. In detail the pilot site 3- Cattinara Hospital is extensively studied and reported. Moreover provides adaptation solutions for the library in T4.1.Its role is also to disseminate the results, to exploit RISKADAPT and to offer its customers consulting services on structural assessment and adaptation solutions.

Contact person:

Vassilis Kallidromitis


Environmental Reliability & Risk Analysis

Environmental Reliability and Risk Analyses (ERRA) -an SME- specializes in the area of Reliability Engineering and Safety Analysis. It was funded in 2001 in Athens. Employing a dynamic team of skilled engineers and computer scientists, ERRA channels its expertise towards the intricate domains of reliability and risk analysis for complex systems, data management, and advanced visualization, delivering ground-breaking IT solutions that redefine industry standards. With a strategic focus on innovation, ERRA’s commitment is underscored by its continuous investment in Research and Development (R&D), which is further bolstered by substantial support from national and EU funds. ERRA’s extensive experience is not only reflected in its impactful research initiatives but also in its active participation in international research programs, proceedings, and scientific publications. With a diverse project portfolio ranging from safety and reliability analysis to technical management information systems, ERRA’s global presence and commitment to custom software development and integration services solidify its position as a reliable partner, capable of delivering tailored solutions that meet the unique demands of businesses worldwide.

Role in the project

ERRA specializes in materials, structural analysis, and complex information systems, contributing to RISKADAPT’s overarching goals. Leads in clustering activities, focusing on collaboration, training, and capacity-building. Providing customizable material degradation models, ERRA enhances decision support systems for eco-friendly construction adaptations. ERRA takes the lead in addressing GDPR/ethical issues, chair the Legal/Gender/Ethics Committee, and contribute to quality management. In addition, ERRA conducts structural assessments, manages adaptation material databases, and enhances the visualization in PRISKADAPT.

Contact person:

Alexios Camarinopoulos


Region of Western Macedonia

The Region of Western Macedonia (RWM) is situated in the North – Western part of Greece. It borders with the Greek regions of Central Macedonia (east), Thessaly (south) and Epirus (west). It is the only Greek region without access to the sea. The Regional Authority of Western Macedonia is a large public Organization of Local Government and one of the 13 Greek Regional Authorities. It is based in Kozani, which is the capital city of the Region. It is divided into four regional units: Florina, Grevena, Kastoria and Kozani. The Regional Authority is under the supervision and direction of the Regional Governor of Western Macedonia. Its mission is planning and implementing policies at a regional level, according to the principles of sustainable development and social cohesion, under the framework of National and European Policies.

Role in the project

The role of the Region of Western Macedonia in the project is to disseminate the results and raise awareness among the local citizens and stakeholders, organise workshops, finalise the requirements and evaluate the results of Pilot 1: Polyfytos Bridge.

Contact person:

Dr Paraskevi Christopoulou


Municipality of Trieste

Based on Italian law the Municipality of Trieste (MTr) is responsible for all administrative functions that concern its territory and the people who live in it. It is up to the Municipality to provide some services: social, culural, educational,  and ensure the management of the territory: planning, maintenance of the environment and buildings, transport, and economic development. There is also a Municipality police in charge of verifing and guarantee the respect of laws and regulations. The political power is in the hands of the city council, led by a mayor directly elected by the citizens. The municipality of Trieste emplyes more than 2,200 employers distributed in 6 departments and 23 services: from administrative and accountable experts, to technical ones, from educators to workers.

Role in the project

The main role of the municipality is to manage local stakeholder engagement and organise some meetings to collect stakeholders’ requirements essential for the design of the platform. Moreover, the municipality promotes the project value, disseminates the results, and will integrate relevant information and the project’s outputs in its new building Regulation. Municipality officers facilitate contact with the local health agency, owner of the Hospital building, and follow all the project activities ensuring that the needs and constraints of the public administration are taken into consideration.


Contact person:

Lea Randazzo

Carmen Candito


Sustainable City Network

Sustainable City Network (SCN) is a cities network for the sustainable development and circular economy that was founded in 2017 and consists of 74 Municipalities-members. The founding members of the network consisted of 30 Municipalities from Greece and Cyprus, the National Technical University of Athens, the Maniatakeion Foundation and the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development of Cyprus. Its main purpose is to provide technical assistance and support its Municipalities-members in the submission of proposals for receiving funding from EU Programmes and implement the respective projects. All proposals and projects lie within the fields of Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Environmental Protection, Circular Economy and Smart Energy Management. Therefore, SCN fills the lack of know-how in preparation and project management and at the same time develops a Network of cooperation and coordinates all the actions required by such programmes.

Role in the project

In the RISKADAPT project, SCN Team will offer its experience and expertise in training at least 10 of its municipalities – members in the use of TPRISKADAPT /MIS and providing user requirements and social impacts.

Contact person:

Nikoletta Maneta


Fingrid Oyj

Fingrid Oyj (Fingrid), the Finnish power provider, that will provide the required information for structural assessment of typical lattice towers and the assessment of risk of power outage and support in providing the CoP’s, user requirements and evaluation of the results.


University of Hong Kong

The RISKADAPT team has been studying urban winds in Hong Kong for the past 15 years with significant expertise in both local and meso-scale wind studies and has carried out preliminary studies of glass window damage of high-rise buildings due to wind flows. Develops algorithms for glass window damage under high winds and rain and adaptation measures.


University of Birmingham

Founded in 1900, the University of Birmingham (UOB) is one of the leading research-based universities in the UK. Birmingham is 90th in the 2022 QS World University Rankings, and placing us 14th out of the 24 Russell Group universities to feature in the ranking. The UOB has been involved in 315 FP7 projects, 358 projects in H2020 and 33 projects in Horizon Europe, it is ranked 18th for project participation amongst Universities in FP7, according to the Commission’s final FP7 monitoring report (2015). The School of Engineering is ranked in the top 10 for Engineering research in the UK for GPA and 4* research (REF 2021). World-class research results in significant innovations across the transportation sector, from reducing environmental impact to improving rail network performance and vehicle safety.

Role in the project

The University of Birmingham (UOB) is an associated partner of the RISKADAPT project. Its research team from the School of Engineering has extensive expertise in the analysis of deteriorated infrastructure to hazards, e.g. floods, exploitation of data from traditional/emerging digital technologies to reduce uncertainty in modelling, vulnerability, integration of data analytics to inform decisions in infrastructure and their ecosystems. UOB will apply the RISKADAPT framework to diverse transport and energy assets and will provide structural analyses for the pilot 1 (i.e., the landmark Polyfytos road bridge in Greece). UOB also leads the WP on the “Demonstration and Validation Activities in Pilot Cases; Third Party Use of TPRISKADAPT/MIS” and it is also in charge of data gaps in connecting structural damage to construction cost/duration.

Contact person:

Associate Prof. Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis, Head of Structures